Use the Nicklaus left heel lift to make the backswing turn easier

July 3, 2020- by Steven E. Greer

I have been feeling like the frozen up Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz with my backswing. I have also been studying the Bottke piston concept and know that the left knee flies forward in the backswing to push the right shoulder back. So, I started to incorporate the Nicklaus left heel lift just to get my turn started. It worked great.

Note the full swing  achieve and the good balance on my right foot. This left heel raise seems to help me push from the right foot in the transition and keep the shaft in the slot.

I was getting ball speed around 150-mph with this Titleist 620MB blade. That is 8-mph faster than PGA average. Unfortunately, the crappy little Flightscope mevo I use is very wrong on distance. It said I only went 218-yards, if it captured the data at all. There is nothing worse than puring a 3-iron blade, only to hear the device not capture it. I need a new device.


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